All things Penguin

Big Penguin
Did you know that there is a town called Penguin in Tasmania?
It’s all things penguin and apparently, the 3m tall penguin statue is one of the most photographed landspots in tasmania…not sure about this.

Anyways, we stayed there for a night at Neptune Grand Hotel…for only $58, we got 2 rooms. It was quite decent, although Alwyn didn’t know how to close his door properly; and must have slept with one eye open



Visitor's PenguinHigh Five PenguinStarry starry nite with a moon

One Response to “All things Penguin”

  1. Alwyn

    Slept quite well with the belief that nobody would come and stab me in the middle of night. Should have switched with Tim, but risked it for that killer view!


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